Jim Grant Road - Lebanon, ME

Interesting property for creative buyers overlooking Great Brook and its surrounding marshlands, teeming with wildlife. If all you really need is a spot in the woods with a nice view, this is it.

The boundaries measure 3.68 acres, but roughly 40% the property is wet, and this opportunity is priced accordingly. The dry portion rises up from an embankment at the road, and then proceeds in a straight line into the wide part of the marsh, with both east and west facing views looking out and over it.

While the available area is too narrow for a residential building without a variance, it's just wide enough for a septic system. So you could leave most of the acreage wild but install septic for an outhouse or black water discharge. Or you could seek a variance for a narrow structure after closing. Whatever you decide to do, the Great Brook makes a beautiful backdrop and jumping off point for all of your adventures in Maine.

Asking Price: $19,999

Size: Approximately 2.2 dry acres (3.68 total) 

Address: Jim Grant Road

Town: Lebanon, ME 04027

Parcel ID: Map R11 Lot 26B

Property Tax (2024/2025): $563.44

Coordinates: 43.3986, -70.93203 

Google Maps Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/KDfaM7u6ntyMrW6B7 

Perc Test: Untested but a septic engineer has conducted a preliminary walkthrough and determined the soil appears viable for an in-ground septic system (buyer to confirm).

Water Supply: n/a 

Survey: n/a 

RV Potential: Private campsites are allowed but require a permit issued by the Code Enforcement Officer. 

(For the easiest way to find RV land, try HomeBaseHerald.com)

Zoning Ordinance (Resource Protection District): https://www.lebanon-me.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif4601/f/pages/attest_-_slz_june_11_2024.pdf 

Access: 640 feet of direct frontage on Jim Grant Road. 

Association Dues: n/a 

Terrain: 40% marshland. Dry acreage is a peninsula rising up from an embankment at the road and then rolling in a straight narrow line approximately 210 feet wide.

Disclosure: Listing presented by contract-holder of the parcel described. Said contract is advertised herein.


German Flats Road - Warren, VT